He who remembers the poor, lends to the Lord

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

I hope you had a great time zooming, and teaming, and video chatting with all your friends and family in internet land this Christmas! And for the few that get to be with you I hope your Christmas was filled with joy and peace and lots of hugs even though as there is in my house there will be pain because loved ones are not allowed to be home at this time. This is so sad, and take time to grieve those losses to allow Jesus to comfort you with his words and His love by His Spirit at this time. I titled this post thinking about my friend Nicholas in Jinja Uganda.  There are many all around us who are suffering this Christmas without a job, wondering how everything is going to work out right here in Canada.   So let’s be attentive to cries going up to God silently and not so silently at this time asking for help.

Face painting day!

Nicholas has put this verse on his website for Bright Light Children’s Ministry. Proverbs 19:17 – Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD and he will reward them for what they have done! I remember the first time I heard someone talk about financial renewal and God’s principles for finance and he talked about God rewarding those who give to the poor. God doesn’t say what those rewards are, but there is a always a payback because God is faithful and just.   Jesus says when we give to others who are in need,  we store up treasure in heaven where nothing can steal it.  Jesus also says when you give don’t let right hand know what left is doing. Sometimes these verses make it difficult for me to know how to ask for help giving to a cause that I believe in. I don’t think it’s wrong to mention when a part the family I am connected to is suffering lack to ask another part of my family and friends to help.  Nicholas is active caring for orphan children through the ministry God has raised up through him.   Over 60 children are cared for through the ministry via foster families and the home which houses over 20 children.   Nicholas and his team of faithful brothers and sisters make sure the children have what they need as best they can but it is difficult.   The rent needs to be paid, food needs to be bought, firewood purchased for cooking, soap, medicine, and school is not free in Uganda and so there are many financial challenges.   Would you consider giving so that orphan children in Uganda have what they need to begin the new year.   Your giving is tax-deductible and so if the Lord has blessed you a little or a lot would you consider this in your year end giving plans.

Our goal is $3500.00 and it would mean a lot to Nicholas and each child in Bright Light’s care!  This works out to only $52.00/child.

You can give on-line to our ministry here.   FireRunner Music & Ministries.  Our ministry operates as part of Bridges of Hope International Development Agency which actually does a lot of amazing work all over the world but especially in Africa.    Just put in the comments Bright Light if you want it to go completely to Bright Light.   Otherwise a portion of everything given to FireRunner will go to Bright Light to keep the lights on, the children fed, the school fees paid, the landlord happy and ensure the the good news of Jesus and His love for kids will keep going out through this ministry.   We have dreams of sustainability through their own piece of land, with home, farming/gardening and school as part of the picture but for now they could really just use a hand to make it into this next year.

Today’s song is It’s time to sing, a song I wrote years ago in 2004 to celebrate Jesus birth and to prepare us for the soon return of Jesus!   Find a child or a bunch if you are extra blessed and dance with them to the song.   And let me know whether you want me to do a great recording of this song for next Christmas!   Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

It’s time to sing!

I always love mail, comments, new subscribers etc.  but even more than that I would love it that we could lighten the load as Bright Light enters 2021.


One thought on “He who remembers the poor, lends to the Lord”

  1. I am also helping the orphans. I recently sent a little money, and hoping to do more to help soon. Hoping we can team up to help more. They only had one bag of food so I sent all the cash I had for food and Nicholas sent me a video showing the kids with more bags of food now. Do you have more ideas how we can help more? I posted to my facebook and none of my friends offered to help yet. My son gave all the cash he had too. Can you make this comment private or delete it?
    Love in Christ

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